Desserts and Snacks
Sometimes you need something sweet and comforting. It is a human, universal need.
Chinese and Indian medicines recognize the need for a sweet taste and do not condemn that urge. On the contrary, according to these approaches, the sweet taste is the primary flavor. It nourishes, supporting body and mind, softening life’s difficulties and slowing down the pace, providing stability. However, it is essential to use high-quality sources for sweet taste. The natural sweetness is present in most foods we eat, which is what traditional medicine refers to. Cereals, meat, fat, fruits, nuts, and many vegetables are sweet.
The constant use of sugar in many of the foods sold in retail chains, and the regular addition of sugar to most foods and pastry varieties eaten in restaurants, blur and make us forget the mild sweet taste that naturally exists in most foods. The consumption of hidden sugar in foods is among the causes of the increasing morbidity due to various degenerative diseases. The transition to a healthier diet inevitably involves significantly reducing sugar intake.
However, the lust for sweets can be used to nourish, repair and rehabilitate. In many of the recipes listed here, the sweet taste is accompanied by food substances that are designed to treat deficiency conditions such as weakness, fatigue, low weight, and anemia. These recipes can be used for mental and physical support.
Soy sauce roasted pumpkin seeds snack